Ottoman – Hungary Relations
The westward expansion of the Ottoman Empire led to conflicts between the Turks and Hungarians, who had a long and traditional friendship. Suleiman the Magnificent’s victory at Mohaç in 1526 brought Hungary under Ottoman rule, and this was the period of the most intense relations between the two countries. The Battle of Mohaç took place in 1526 between the Ottoman Empire and the Hungarian Kingdom, and as a result, the medieval Hungarian Kingdom was wiped off the stage of history. After that, Hungarian lands were divided into three parts: Ottoman Hungary, Habsburg Hungary and Erdel, a vassal Voivodeship subject to the Ottoman Empire. The period of Ottoman rule between 1526 and 1686 led Hungarians to be influenced by the Turks in many areas.

Turkey – Hungary Relations
Relations between the Republic of Turkey and Hungary started with the establishment of official diplomatic relations in the early 20th century after the Ottoman period. An important milestone between the two countries was Turkey’s NATO membership (1952) and Hungary’s accession to NATO (1999). This process paved the way for the strengthening of bilateral relations and increased co-operation under the NATO umbrella. Today, diplomatic, economic and cultural ties between Turkey and Hungary remain important.
The Importance of M. Tayyib Gökbilgin in Turkey – Hungary Relations
M. Tayyib Gökbilgin’s studies on Ottoman-Hungarian relations deal with the historical development in detail. These studies examine the relations between the two countries in their political, military, economic and cultural dimensions and offer a broad perspective. Gökbilgin’s researches have contributed to the accumulation of knowledge in this field by forming the basis of Ottoman-Hungarian relations. It has also contributed to the deepening and better understanding of the relations between Turkey and Hungary, which has helped to put the relations on a more solid foundation.

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