Publications of M. Tayyib Gökbilgin

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Fight for Power in Europe

This work by Prof. M. Tayyib Gökbilgin, one of Turkey’s leading historians on Ottoman-Hungarian relations, traces the development of this shared history. This book, which brings together thirteen works by Gökbilgin, begins with some notes on the period of Turkish rule in Hungary.

İstanbul Üniversitesi Tarih Bölümü bünyesinde açılan Osmanlı Müesseseleri ve Medeniyeti Tarihi Kürsüsü’nün kurucusu olup birçok önemli araştırmaya, esere imza atmış olan Prof. Tayyib Gökbilgin, hakkında çok az çalışma bulunan Sultan II. Murad’a dâir bu kıymetli çalışmasında sultanın hayat hikâyesini canlı bir üslupla işlerken dönemin genel çerçevesini de çiziyor.

His reign, conquests and struggle with the Crusaders

Sultan Murad II deals with the life story of a sultan, whose justice is emphasised by local and foreign sources, and whose reign marked the expansion and settlement of the Ottomans in the Balkans, with historical facts and a realistic perspective.

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THE GREAT TURK OF HISTORY: Suleyman The Magnificent

This book by Prof. Tayyib Gökbilgin, the founder of the Chair in the History of Ottoman Institutions and Civilisation, which was established in 1961 within the Department of History at Istanbul University, and the author of many important studies and works, presents Suleyman the Magnificent and his period with its events, people and society in a very original way.

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From the Armistice of Mondros to the Opening of the Grand National Assembly

Prof. Dr. M. Tayyib Gökbilgin’s pioneering work In the Beginning of the War of Independence is considered to be one of the best sources describing the period, both in terms of witnessing those days and the author’s approach.

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Edirne and Pasha Liva – Foundations-Properties-Mukataalar

The book analyses in detail the property and foundation facilities in the Edirne region and the Pasha district of the Rumelia province, which were of great importance in the XVth and XVIth centuries, the periods of the establishment and rise of the Ottoman Empire.


Yürüks, Tatars and Evlad-ı Fatihan in Rumelia

In this work, Prof. Dr. M. Tayyib Gökbilgin analyses in depth the ethnic groups settled in Rumelia by a state such as the Ottoman Empire, which settled in a very large area and united many nations in terms of race, religion, language, etc. under its administration.

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Ottoman Palaeography and Diplomatic Sciences

The history of Ottoman civilisation can be considered within the framework of the general history of Turkish civilisation and can be considered an extension of it. The history of a nation’s civilisation, on the other hand, covers all kinds of activities of that nation in time and space, and emphasises its contribution to human history in one way or another.

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Journal of the Institute of History – Souvenir

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